Our mission is to bring casino games to assisted livings, senior centers, or any group that wants the casino experience without any monetary risk. We only offer this with no money, points only. You will see this highlighted throughout this website. To be clear we do not deal any games where bets or wagers are placed. 
Many card games are played for points. Rummy, Crazy Eights, and Bridge just to name a few. Why can't you play casino games for points? You can! Casino games can be very enjoyable without gambling. Our motto is "Play for points. Keep your shirt".
In tournaments we give ribbons to the top 3 winners. 
Now for a little information about myself. I am a semi-retired nurse that has seen the same activities done over and over in facilities. So much that the residents do not come to the activities because of the repetition. I decided that maybe I could offer a new activity and bring some excitement and fun to this equation. 
I spent 6 months in Gulfport, Mississippi at Crescent School of Gaming. I secured the required license from the Mississippi Gaming Commision and became a professionally trained casino dealer. The school was 6 months 5 days a week or a total of 600 clock hours. I currently work at a local casino company that does all types of events. Most of these events are for charity, some are for schools, and some are private parties. We are very busy in December with corporate holiday parties. The largest one was at BJCC with 19 tables!
I am offering a new deal called Poker Club as a regular event and I am doing this in some cases for a donation.  
Let's play casino games!!!